
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Working hard at ZAP

In some jobs, people get their hands dirty.

Here, Alder Yarrow (right) of Vinography and I show that we put our mouth where our, er ... we're willing to lick where angels fear to ... um ...

Lots of Zinfandels, so few punchlines. Tasting notes to come, but I will say right now there's a very good reason we're standing in front of the Kokomo Wines booth at ZAP with our tongues hanging out.


  1. King Krak, I Drink the WineJanuary 30, 2010 at 8:12 PM

    front of the Kokomo Wines booth at ZAP with our tongues hanging out. "

    Is that what the two of you are doing? I thought you were expressing your views of Fox News. My mistake.

  2. King: No, we don't have our fingers down our throats. Nice try though.
